Thirty lovely ladies enjoyed Christmas coming early with a “Festive themed” Make Over Master Class at…
Thirty lovely ladies enjoyed Christmas coming early with a “Festive themed” Make Over Master Class at Debenhams

Thirty lovely ladies enjoyed Christmas coming early with a “Festive themed” Make Over Master Class at…
Saturday 25th October 2014 A fantastic opportunity to let the Estée Lauder team share their tricks of…
Staff from the Breast Care Unit at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital and the Lovely “Giving to Pink” Ladies…
“Ladies, fancy an afternoon in Pontypridd Rugby football Club whilst supporting “Giving to Pink”? We…
On Sunday 5th October, Elena Rea Thomas, Katia Summers, Sian-Eleri Fudge and Ceri Skene bounced around the 13 mile course wearing rebound sport boots. The ladies who attend “The Ultimate Bounce” fitness classes have been training under the expert guidance of “Ultimate Bounce” coaches, Jemma Lane and Ian Bosely.
Counting down to this amazing event “Giving to Pink” is looking for supporters to join the Giving to Pink team. Elena Griffin an experienced Marathon runner is leading the way and she would love to welcome fellow runners to join her.
Designed with love, the simple but elegant “giving to pink” bracelet aims to remind you of a great cause…
Our launch night was a huge success at Giovannis in Park Place we raised over £4,000
Giovanni’s Restaurant in Park Place, 3 course Italian lunch for £35
Max raises money for “Giving to Pink” with his Pontypridd RFC loom bands.