Giving to Pink is delighted to announce that our fundraising has now exceeded the £250,000 target.
This is extra special as it has been achieved during Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Welcome to Giving to Pink
A group of people whose lives have been touched in some way by Breast Cancer. Some of us have been patients and others amongst the group do a wonderful job at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital supporting people through and after treatment. Others have supported a friend or loved one who has been affected.
The shock and horror of a breast cancer diagnosis is something that most people would never contemplate. Although the unfortunate reality is it could happen to 1 in 7 of us.
Breast cancer is now very treatable
The last 20 years have seen unbelievable progress.
Hospitals however are under greater pressure to balance their books. They have to make impossible decisions as to where their finance is best placed. Specialist units such as breast care are being merged with others.
No longer can patients have that special much needed privacy of being in a specialist unit.
Aims of Giving to Pink
To raise awareness of the need for a Specialist Breast Care Unit within Cwm Taf Health Board. A Centre of Excellence that South East Wales can be proud of. To act as a catalyst to make this need a reality. To start the fundraising process and generate as much income as practically possible.
In collaboration with the Cwm Taf Breast care team we will actively encourage past patients to join our voluntary group. This will allow us to ensure the fundraising goes on year on year with fresh ideas.
Giving to pink is run on a completely voluntary basis, Our Group aim to raise as much money as possible and spend as little money as possible. We are eternally grateful for the generosity of the businesses and supporters that make that possible. If you are an organisation or individual who would be willing to help us we would be very interested to hear off you. read more
Cwm Taf Health Board
Giving to Pink are happy to anounce Eifion Vaughan Williams will be spear heading the “Giving to Pink” campaign on behalf of the Cwm Taf Health Board read more
Cwm Taf University Health Board Members supporting “Lets Turn Cwm Taf Pink Day”